{# This file was part of Flask-Bootstrap and was modified under the terms of its BSD License. Copyright (c) 2013, Marc Brinkmann. All rights reserved. #} {% from 'base/utils.html' import arg_url_for %} {% macro render_pager(pagination, fragment='', prev=(' Previous')|safe, next=('Next ')|safe, align='') -%} {%- endmacro %} {% macro render_pagination(pagination, endpoint=None, prev=('«')|safe, next=('»')|safe, size=None, ellipses='…', args={}, fragment='', align='' )-%} {% if fragment != '' and not fragment.startswith('#') %}{% set fragment = '#' + fragment %}{% endif %} {% with url_args = {} %} {%- do url_args.update(request.view_args if not endpoint else {}), url_args.update(request.args if not endpoint else {}), url_args.update(args) -%} {% with endpoint = endpoint or request.endpoint %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endmacro %}